I am an Author who is sharing his love of storytelling through the written word.


Keith B.Perrin

Hello there, my name is Keith B Perrin, well that’s my pen name anyway. I have a vivid imagination and I’m always day dreaming and thinking of things to write or just daydreaming period. Growing up on a steady diet of monster movies, cartoons, science fiction movies , Anime, Ultraman, Astroboy, comic books, fantasy books and films, Pro Wrestling, Bruce Lee and martial arts flicks. I had no choice of kind of being a slight geek or nerd in a sense. The Outer limits and In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy were 2 of my all time favorite television series. Godzilla is my all time favorite though. no question period. The most important aspect of my youth and growing up is having a loving family unit that was blessed to have a foundation in the bible and Jesus Christ. We were not perfect by any means but having that knowledge and relationship with Him was the best and most important part of our lives.

Keith B.Perrin

Info about myself and fan questions will appear here!

Great question. I would say weaving the characters and storylines together. Also fighting that ever present enemy called procrastination. that was a big thing for me and also one of the most fun but also more difficult tasks was world building and making God the center of the series without being compromising to His word or character and also not being to preachy at the same time. A lot of fasting, prayer, work and patience went into this book. In the end it all payed off!

Oh without a doubt the bible first and foremost. If people truly read the bible for what it truly is they would realize it is full of all the things we love in science fiction or fantasy books or movies. the only difference is it is absolutely true and real. Giants, witches, warlocks, magic, angels ,demons, good and evil, mythological beasts like dragons and lands lost to antiquity. Even the legends of vampirism and lycanthropy and quote aliens have been referenced in the bible in a way. The bible tells you exactly what these things are and how to put them in their proper context though. And these things mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg of what is in the bible I’m telling you. Tolkien, CS Lewis, Robert E Howard, Marvel comics, Conan the barbarian, books on different mythologies and so forth helped shape my desire to write.

Let’s see. I’d say Martha’s Vineyard. It is a very quiet, laid back, relaxing place to just enjoy time away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Plus it has the ocean , great food and a historical flavor to it. Our friends have a secluded cabin that they are kind enough to let us stay in and it is very nice. You may even see a famous person there as it is a getaway for celebrities’ as well!

 The inspiration was God breathed so to speak. My desire was to write a series that would entertain while giving the reader insights to the loving nature of God and how much His desire is to help care for and redeem those in need. While also making it clear that the great adversary of the dragon Lucifer himself desires no more than to deceive ,rob,kill and destroy and he has no mercy in that quest. Also showing that the spiritual battle of light over darkness is real and that the forces behind the invisible machinery that are at work manipulating the inhibatants of our world are truly mysterious and incredibly potent! To give hope to those without and encourage any who will to give God a try if all you tried has failed. You won’t regret it. And also to avoid the trappings that tempt us all that will leave us in misery and despair! The key is to do this without being preachy or over bearing with it. Yet not compromising the truth of the Word and God’s Holy nature.

The inspiration was God breathed so to speak. My desire was to write a series that would entertain while giving the reader insights to the loving nature of God and how much His desire is to help care for and redeem those in need. While also making it clear that the great adversary of the dragon Lucifer himself desires no more than to deceive ,rob,kill and destroy and he has no mercy in that quest. Also showing that the spiritual battle of light over darkness is real and that the forces behind the invisible machinery that are at work manipulating the inhibatants of our world are truly mysterious and incredibly potent! To give hope to those without and encourage any who will to give God a try if all you tried has failed. You won’t regret it. And also to avoid the trappings that tempt us all that will leave us in misery and despair! The key is to do this without being preachy or over bearing with it. Yet not compromising the truth of the Word and God’s Holy nature. pulvinar dapibus leo.

Once I stopped procrastinating I would say about 4 months or less.

Audible, Christian Faith Publishing, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Ibooks and most retailers.

I wanted something with a serious fantasy feel to it. Something mysterious and foreboding. Henceforth the book cover, and the title is definitely a fantasy title so I went with it.

I pray a lot and let the Holy Spirit lead me. sometimes I’ll want to go one direction but I do not get the function to do it so i have to regroup. Or I have to scrap certain things entirely and ponder things before I start to write again. It can be a challenge but in the end it is worth it. Also i look at crazy things that have happened in my life and current or past historical events. Mythology and anything I can think of to make a great exciting story for the reader and one that I am proud of. True life events are often the most exciting and unbelievable to fathom so it’s good to draw from any and everything you can within reason of course.

Honestly, just write and be disciplined about it and work on your craft. If you don’t do that you will start but never finish your work and the days months and years will fly by without any results .If you know you have a passion for writing and using your imagination then do not sleep on it, discover hone your gifts and use them. Another thing is to not lose faith or perspective when things get rough or when people do not like or get excited about your work. Everything is not for everyone so remember you have an audience that will like your work, you just have to get it to them so they can experience it. Get others perspectives as well, those you trust who will be honest with you about your work. They may see things you do not see to help your project.

Keith B.Perrin

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